Resident Policy

Sober Apartment Living Residence Policy

1) Sober Apartment Living is committed to your individual recovery, helping you to transition back to “real life” where you can thrive and enjoy a sober, productive life. This is what necessitates our “zero tolerance” policy, as it pertains to any drug or alcohol use, in or out of the apartment. Therefore, anyone who uses alcohol or drugs – inside or outside of the apartment – will permanently leave the apartment. That individual has 30 minutes to leave the apartment; he or she may return within 1 to 3 days to collect personal belongings. Anything left 3 days after the violation will be donated to charity.

2) Monthly apartment fees are due by the 3rd of each month.

3) Monthly supply fees are due by the 3rd of each month to cover the cost of the shared cleaning supplies, maintenance of shared areas, and supplies for random and suspicious drug testing.

4) The one-time fee for a background check is due upon submission of the application and contract.

5) An intake interview will be conducted before you move into the apartment.

6) Residents may occasionally leave SAL for an overnight visit (holidays, etc.) after having lived in SAL for 30 days. These absences must be approved by the SAL manager.

7) Random drug testing will occur two times per month in each apartment suite.

8) Suspicious drug testing will occur when suite mates and/or the community manager determine that a test is needed; an SAL representative will administer the drug screen. Suite mates are required to report suspected suite mates and roommates if it is apparent that they have been drinking or using illegal drugs.

9) Each resident must return to the apartment by curfew each night, which is at 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and at midnight Friday and Saturday. Suite mates are required to report suite mates who arrive after curfew. The first failure will be treated as a warning. The second violation will result in the individual being asked to permanently leave the apartment.

10) No resident may leave the apartment before 6:00 a.m. without a work slip permit.

11) Residents must attend two weekly mandatory apartment meetings:
• Administrative/House Rules meeting to discuss chores that will keep the living space clean and presentable
• Life-Skills Development meeting, covering topics from “job-skills training” to “keeping clean in the real world”

12) Residents must be actively involved in weekly 12-step recovery treatment or an equivalent ongoing program and must submit attendance slips to the SAL manager.

13) Each resident must have a sponsor.

14) Any resident who brings “bed bugs” into the apartment will be held responsible for the cost of exterminating them and the cleaning of all associated materials contaminated with them.

15) Residents are responsible for any damages to the apartment and/or SAL property.

16) Residents must help keep the apartment and room clean.

17) Residents must be working or actively looking for work.

18) Theft of any personal property or SAL property will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

19) There is a minimum 90-day stay.

20) Absolutely no smoking or animals are allowed in the apartments. Any violation will be immediate grounds for removal from SAL.

21) Your $300 deposit is used for cleaning, damages, and unpaid fees. You may pay the full $300 deposit up-front or pay $100/month (minimum), but the deposit is not refundable until the full deposit amount is paid. If you violate any of the policies, you will forfeit your deposit and refunds. Deposits are returned with a minimum of a 90-day stay and require at least a 30-day advance notice of intent to leave.

22) Residents will support the ongoing recovery of fellow SAL residents.

23) No one is permitted to spend the night in a SAL apartment except for fee-paying, approved residents. Any violation will be grounds for immediate removal from SAL.

24) Swing-shift or graveyard-shift positions are not allowed.

25) SAL has the right to search any resident’s belongings.

26) SAL does not permit any type of substance abuse, legal or illegal (e.g., glue, Kratom, etc.).

27) Residents may be required to evacuate the unit for any violation of the written policy or for any behavior unbecoming of the expectations of a SAL resident.