Does Insurance Cover Sober Living?

Group of residents at sober living apartments

Even though recovery should be a top priority, it can be easy to let concerns about money, treatment costs, and billing get in the way.

We’re here to address those questions head-on, so you can continue your sobriety journey in confidence.

If you’ve ever wondered, “Does insurance cover sober living?” you’re not alone. It’s a question many have wrestled with as they seek the best path forward. It’s a valid concern, considering the importance of financial planning in this process.

So, let’s dive in and explore what you need to know.

Does Insurance Cover Sober Living?

Now, that’s the million-dollar question: does insurance cover sober living? Well, the answer isn’t as straightforward as we’d like. You see, many insurance companies do acknowledge the significance of sober living in the recovery journey. However, there are nuances.

According to the Affordable Care Act, insurances are required to provide coverage for substance abuse disorders, which would include treatment. And while a treatment program focuses on recovery with medical and therapeutic methods, sober living is not often deemed as a “medically necessary” service.

Sober living does come with a long list of benefits, though! Places like Sober Apartment Living provide a supportive substance-free living environment that supports its residents’ transition to independent, sober living.

Understanding this distinction can shed light on what your insurance may cover. The specifics depend on your insurance policy, your state regulations, and other factors.

The Costs of Sober Living

Let’s talk rent. Sober living often comes with expenses, but there are also lots of ways to handle them.

At Sober Apartment Living (SAL), we’re committed to making this choice affordable. Both of our locations in Scottsdale, AZ, and Wheat Ridge, CO offer competitive pricing to make it easier on the residents – and our sober apartments come fully furnished with utilities and even WiFi.

Beyond Four Walls: Workshops and Resources

If monthly payments are creating a financial burden, many sober living communities work with their residents to establish a steady form of income through stable employment.

Need help finding a job or managing your finances? SAL offers some great resources to equip all residents with the tools they need for success. Between career & money management workshops, job coaching, and even transportation, we’ve got your back!

Ready to Take the Plunge?

At the end of the day, sober living is a key part of the recovery process because it helps people transition from treatment to their day-to-day. Lots of sober living communities, like SAL, work hard to make this an affordable option, regardless of insurance coverage.

Stop wondering “Does insurance cover sober living?” and start asking if you need sober living to thrive and succeed in your recovery.

As our team at SAL knows very well, sober living isn’t just a phase; it’s a lifestyle. And if you’re ready to embrace it, we’d love to welcome you with open arms. With locations in Scottsdale, AZ, and Wheat Ridge, CO, Sober Apartment Living offers the perfect blend of affordability, support, and community.

So why wait? Take the first step towards a brighter, sober future and apply today!

Your Guide to Staying Sober During the Holidays

holiday decor

The holiday season is a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for those on the path of recovery, it can also be a time filled with triggers and temptations.

At Sober Apartment Living, we understand the challenges of staying sober during the holidays and are here to offer guidance and support.

In this blog, we will provide you with seven helpful tips to help you navigate the festive season while maintaining your sobriety.

7 Tips to Staying Sober During the Holidays

1. Plan Ahead for Sober Gatherings

The holiday season often involves numerous social events, many of which include alcohol. To stay on track with your recovery, plan ahead by seeking out sober gatherings or create your own alcohol-free celebrations.

Attend meetings, connect with support groups, or host sober parties to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who understand the importance of staying sober during the holidays.

2. Set Boundaries and Communicate

It’s essential to communicate your sobriety goals with friends and family. Let them know that you won’t be partaking in alcoholic beverages and request their support.

Setting boundaries and being open about your intentions will help avoid uncomfortable situations and unnecessary temptations.

3. Practice Self-Care

Staying sober during the holidays can be emotionally draining, so prioritize self-care. Take time for yourself by practicing relaxation techniques, engaging in your favorite hobbies, or simply unwinding with a good book or movie. Taking care of your mental and physical well-being is crucial during this time.

4. Have an Accountability Partner

Having someone who understands your journey can make a significant difference. Connect with a trusted friend, family member, or sponsor who can be your accountability partner during the holiday season.

Reach out to them when you’re feeling vulnerable, and lean on their support when needed.

5. Avoid High-Risk Situations

It’s okay to decline invitations to gatherings or events that you believe might jeopardize your sobriety. Prioritize your well-being by steering clear of high-risk situations where alcohol or substances are readily available. Your recovery should always be your top priority.

6. Create New Traditions

Instead of focusing on past holiday rituals that may be associated with substance use, consider creating new, sober traditions.

These could include volunteering, organizing outdoor activities, or taking a trip to explore new places. Building fresh traditions can help you fully enjoy the season without relying on substances.

7. Gratitude and Reflection

Staying sober during the holidays can be challenging, but it’s also a time for reflection and gratitude. Take a moment each day to reflect on the progress you’ve made in your recovery journey and the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude can be a powerful tool in maintaining your sobriety during the holiday season.

At Sober Apartment Living, we understand that staying sober during the holidays can be tough, but it’s also incredibly rewarding.

Our onsite team is here to support you and provide a safe, welcoming environment for those who have completed treatment. We offer the resources and community you need to maintain your sobriety during the festive season and beyond. If you or someone you know is looking for a supportive place to continue your recovery journey, check out Sober Apartment Living and discover how we can help you thrive. You don’t have to face this challenge alone, and we’re here to make your holidays both sober and joyful.

Get in touch today.

The Ties Between Sobriety and Mental Health

sobriety and mental health

Sobriety and mental health go hand in hand. That is to say, there are major mental health benefits to living a sober life. 

If you or a loved one are on this path of recovery, we’re here to offer insights, encouragement, and hope on your journey.

Let’s explore the benefits sobriety has on your mental health. 

Ties Between Sobriety and Mental Health

Emotional Resilience

Substances like alcohol and drugs are known to disrupt your emotional balance and scientifically affect your mood regulation. For many struggling with addiction, this change in emotional state is used as a way to temporarily cope or ignore problems.  

The decision to live a sober life, however, allows for genuine emotional engagement and problem-solving. 

Sure, you’ll still go through hard things, but you’ll go into them with a clear mind and emotional awareness. Sobriety fosters strong coping mechanisms, so you can tackle challenges head-on. And the best part? This mentality is sustainable. 

Pursuing a sober life will empower you to navigate ups and downs authentically and resiliently.

Clarity of Mind

Many individuals in addiction recovery also grapple with mental health issues. However, sobriety frequently leads to reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression, and related disorders.

This detox allows your brain to reset and function at its optimal level. As the fog clears, your focus sharpens, allowing you to see things with greater clarity. Your thoughts become more organized, and rational thinking takes the driver’s seat. This heightened clarity empowers you to make well-informed decisions and tackle challenges with a clear and composed mindset.

Think of it as cleaning a dusty window – once the grime is gone, you can see the world outside much more vividly. Similarly, sobriety clears away the mental clutter, giving you the ability to see your path forward more clearly and navigate life’s twists and turns with a renewed sense of purpose and positivity.

Stress Reduction 

Substance abuse not only affects us on a chemical level, intensifying feelings of anxiety and stress, but it also frequently places individuals in more stressful situations or positions, thereby compounding their stress and anxiety. 

By breaking free from the cycle of substance use, you not only address the direct chemical effects but also eliminate the stress-inducing situations associated with substance abuse. This transformation paves the way to a calmer, more peaceful state of mind.

As you learn healthier ways to manage stress, your overall mental well-being improves. Stress less, live more!

Enhanced Self-Esteem 

Sobriety lays the foundation for healthier self-esteem. When you overcome addiction, you gain a sense of accomplishment and self-worth that contributes to your mental health. 

This boost in self-esteem empowers you to set and achieve goals, fostering a positive sense of identity. 

Improved Relationships

Friendships in recovery can be a lifeline for those who are overcoming addiction. Whether you’re in recovery yourself or supporting a loved one, having a supportive community can make all the difference.

As you prioritize your mental health, you become more attuned to the needs and emotions of those around you. Healthy communication flourishes, and you’re better equipped to nurture meaningful connections with loved ones.

In short, healthy relationships help with sobriety, and sobriety helps with healthy relationships. 

The Journey Towards Mental Well-Being

Taking care of your mental health is a key part of your overall well-being, but it’s an exciting part! As you learn more about the ties between sobriety and mental health, you’ll be able to recognize how far you’ve come.

Our inclusive community is ready to provide you with the resources and guidance you need to flourish on your path to lasting sobriety and improved mental health.

Contact us today if you’re ready for a supportive, sober community that understands the challenges of recovery and is here to help. 


Top Benefits of Sober Living Homes

Recovery is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, and for those who have completed treatment, the transition from a structured environment back to everyday life can be challenging.

It is during this critical time that the benefits of sober living homes shine through, providing a supportive and nurturing environment to foster lasting recovery. Sober living homes offer a unique blend of independence and guidance, empowering individuals to rebuild their lives while embracing the joys of sobriety.

Let’s explore the multitude of ways in which these homes help in the recovery process, as we compare them to regular housing after treatment.

Benefits of Sober Living Homes

Supportive Community:

One of the most profound benefits of sober living homes is the sense of community they provide.

Surrounded by individuals who understand the challenges of recovery, residents form deep connections and cultivate a support system that becomes a foundation for lasting change. Regular housing lacks this specialized community, making it difficult to find people who can empathize with the unique journey of recovery.

Structured Accountability:

Sober living homes offer a structured living environment that promotes accountability and responsibility.

Residents adhere to house rules, such as curfews, regular drug tests, and attendance at support meetings, which help them stay committed to their recovery. In contrast, regular housing may lack such structure, making it easier to succumb to triggers and old habits.

Holistic Approach:

Sober living homes often provide access to a range of holistic services that support overall well-being. From counseling and therapy to fitness programs and nutritional guidance, residents are exposed to a variety of resources that help them develop a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

At Sober Apartment Living in Scottsdale, we offer an onsite fitness center, a variety of spiritual outlets, regular sober social events, skill development sessions, and more.

In regular housing, however, individuals may struggle to find similar comprehensive support that addresses their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Transitional Guidance:

Transitioning from a highly structured treatment program to complete independence can be overwhelming. Sober living homes bridge this gap, offering a supportive transition period where individuals can gradually reintegrate into society while receiving guidance from an onsite team.

The absence of this transitional support in regular housing can lead to feelings of isolation and uncertainty.

Safe and Sober Environment:

Sober living homes prioritize creating a safe and substance-free living environment.

By enforcing strict policies against drug and alcohol use, these homes provide residents with a sanctuary that minimizes triggers and promotes recovery.

Continued Growth and Skill-Building:

Sober living homes often encourage personal growth and skill-building, empowering residents to develop essential life skills. With opportunities for employment, education, and volunteering, sober homes like Sober Apartment Living enable individuals to reintegrate into society with newfound purpose and confidence.

Choosing a Sober Living Environment After Treatment

Choosing the right environment after completing treatment is crucial for maintaining lasting recovery. Here at Sober Apartment Living, we recognize the unique needs of individuals transitioning from treatment and provide a warm, supportive, and structured environment.

In promoting personal growth and fostering lasting recovery, our dedicated team is committed to empowering individuals as they embark on this transformative journey.

If you or a loved one is seeking a nurturing environment to continue the path of recovery, Sober Apartment Living is an excellent choice.

To learn more about Sober Apartment Living and how we can support your recovery, get in touch.

The Importance of Friendships in Recovery

Friendships in recovery can be a lifeline for those who are overcoming addiction. Whether you’re in recovery yourself or supporting a loved one, having a supportive community can make all the difference. At SAL, we understand how important it is to have healthy friendships during the recovery process. That’s why we provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to connect with others who are on their recovery journey.

Importance of Friendships in Recovery

Positive relationships and support can play a critical role in someone’s recovery. Having friends who hold you accountable, provide social support, and offer a listening ear can make a world of difference. At SAL, we encourage our residents to form healthy relationships with each other, and we believe that these connections can help in more ways than one.

Let’s break down the benefits of friendships in recovery below:

Social Support

Social support is also crucial for someone in recovery. Addiction can be a lonely and isolating experience, and having a supportive community can help someone feel less alone. At SAL, we offer community events and activities that provide opportunities for our residents to socialize and connect with each other.


Having friends who hold you accountable is also essential. At SAL, our residents encourage each other to stay on track and make positive changes in their lives. When someone has friends who hold them accountable, they are more likely to stick to their recovery plan and avoid relapse.


Friendships in recovery can also be fun! At SAL, we believe that recovery can be an enjoyable experience and that having fun is an essential part of staying sober. Our residents enjoy activities like game nights, movie nights, and group outings that provide opportunities for fun and connection.

At the end of the day, friendships in recovery are crucial to sobriety. Positive relationships, social support, and accountability can make a significant difference in someone’s recovery journey.

Find Friendships in Recovery at SAL

If you or someone you know is in need of a safe and supportive environment to continue their recovery journey, we invite you to learn more about SAL and the services we offer.

With SAL, you’re not alone on your journey to recovery. We have incredible staff to support you, amazing residents, and tons of resources. Contact us today if you want a supportive community that understands the challenges of recovery and is here to help.

How to Support Someone in Recovery: 7 Tips from Sober Apartment Living

At Sober Apartment Living, we understand that recovery is not an easy journey. However, with the right support and encouragement, individuals can overcome their addiction and lead a healthy and happy life. If you have a friend or family member who is in recovery, you can play a vital role in their journey by offering the right kind of support.

Here are 7 tips on how to support someone in recovery.

7 Tips on How to Support Someone in Recovery

1. Be there for them.

One of the most important things you can do to support someone in recovery is to be there for them. You can do this by making time for them, listening, and having honest conversations. You might not understand their experiences, but you can offer a nonjudgmental ear to listen.

Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, and remind them of how far they have come. Friendship is so important for lifelong recovery.

2. Avoid triggers.

Triggers can be anything that reminds a person of their addiction and can cause them to relapse. To support your loved one, try to avoid triggers that may cause them to slip back into old habits. This may mean avoiding certain places or activities, such as bars or parties where drugs or alcohol are present and being mindful of your own habits around them.

3. Educate yourself.

It is important to educate yourself about addiction and recovery. This will help you to understand what your loved one is going through and how you can best support them. Sure, they might explain some of it to you, but it is not their responsibility to inform you.

In fact, there are some things that may even be difficult to talk about. Do your best to learn and understand. You can always attend support groups or read books about addiction and recovery to better understand how to support someone in recovery and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges someone is facing.

4. Encourage healthy habits.

Healthy habits, such as exercise and eating a balanced diet, can help your loved one to feel better both physically and mentally. While they may enjoy a handful of these activities alone, you can also join them and create new memories and experiences together.

It’s helpful to focus on physical health by going for walks, runs, or joining a gym. You can even start cooking healthy meals together for a change of pace.

5. Celebrate milestones.

Recovery is a journey, and it is essential to celebrate milestones along the way. Whether it’s a month or a year of sobriety, take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your loved one’s achievements. This can provide them with the motivation they need to continue their journey.

6. Respect their boundaries.

While it is important to be supportive, it is also crucial to respect your loved one’s boundaries. If they don’t want to discuss their recovery, don’t push them. Let them know that you are there for them when they are ready to talk.

7. Don’t hyper-fixate on their recovery.

While it’s important to provide a safe and supportive environment, it’s also essential to focus on your loved one’s interests and hobbies outside of their addiction. Think back to all the activities and interests that bonded you & encourage them to participate in activities they enjoy – such as playing sports, gaming, or listening to music.

By engaging in these activities together, you can strengthen your relationship and help your loved one feel supported in their recovery. Remember to be normal and avoid making everything about their addiction.

Discovering how to support someone in recovery can be challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding. By following these tips, you can help your loved one to achieve and maintain sobriety. Remember, recovery is a journey, and your love and support can make all the difference.

Going the Extra Mile

Wondering how you can support someone in an even bigger way? Getting them set up in a sober home is a great place to start. Here at SAL, we focus on lifelong sobriety and personal growth for every one of our residents, for as long as they need. If you are looking for a place to thrive in sobriety, this is it!

Get in touch to learn more about our sober living here.

Understanding & Recognizing Transfer Addiction

sober, addiction, transfer addiction, recovery

When walking the often unsteady path to recovery, it can be easy to miss a condition many are unaware of known as transfer addiction, or sometimes referred to as cross-addiction. It is important for those in recovery, and those trying to support someone in recovery, to understand the concept of transfer addiction and its potential effects on sobriety. 

What Is Transfer Addiction?

Transfer addiction is when an addict attempts to compensate for the uncomfortable changes in their addictive habits and routines. It does not mean both addictions are present at once. For example, an addict might replace a substance for a hobby such as gambling. As they continue down this path of substitution, they may not realize that these seemingly harmless behaviors have become just as harmful as their original addiction. In other words, they’ve traded one form of addiction for another without really thinking about or acknowledging it. 

How Can I Identify Transfer Addiction? 

The signs of transfer addiction vary from person to person, but there are some common signs that you should look out for if you suspect someone has developed a transfer addiction. 

  • Spending large amounts of time indulging in certain activities such as watching television, playing video games, or engaging in online activities. These could be indicators that something else is going on beneath the surface. 
  • Preoccupied with certain hobbies or interests which can lead them into financial trouble
  • Experiencing obsessive behaviors or feeling depressed when without something related to the addiction

How Can I Prevent Transfer Addiction? 

Transfer addiction can often be prevented if people take the proper steps while on their sobriety journey. The most important step is to create a foundation based on healthy coping mechanisms and lifestyle changes. This can include exercising regularly and engaging in meaningful activities such as volunteering or attending support groups. Other methods include discovering new hobbies such as reading books, painting, learning a new language, etc., all of which can help fill the void left by drug or alcohol use when trying to achieve sobriety.

Recovery is a journey to wellness — it’s all about balance. You can enjoy activities that distract from drug and alcohol use and still maintain your outlook on sobriety. Be mindful of what triggers these thoughts or behaviors so that you are aware when you need help getting back on track with your recovery journey. With the right support system and self awareness, it is possible to reach lasting sobriety without resorting back to old habits!

6 Holiday Gifts for People in Recovery

Shopping for someone in addiction recovery can be tricky.

Afterall, what gift says ‘supportive, encouraging, and fun’ at the same time?

Well, we’re here to tell you (or at least, drop some hints). Below, we’ve compiled a list of gifts for people in recovery that won’t end up in the return pile.

Let’s get started.

6 Holiday Gifts for People in Recovery

1. A Shared Experience

Although you can’t wrap an experience up with a neat bow, you can make sure that it is a very special gift for the recipient.

Not only does it allow for quality time and community, but it creates an opportunity for loved ones to try something different, have a good time, and enjoy new experiences.

Another reason this is a great gift for people in recovery? It’s totally personal. Got a thrill-seeker on your hand? Consider sky diving, hot air balloon rides, martial arts classes, or scuba diving lessons.

Got an adventurous or curious soul? A cooking class, book club, concert, show, or seminar could be amazing.

It’s the extra thought that makes the gift so special.

2. Gratitude Journal

Much of recovery is focused on self-reflection and improvement, and many find writing and journaling to be a key component.

Find (or custom order) a gratitude journal for your friend, and they’ll have something that is beneficial in their sobriety journey, but also deeply personal.

A journal may not mean something to you, but it will be a great addition to them. Sometimes the simplest gifts are the best gifts for people in recovery.

3. Instrument

If money isn’t an option, gifting an instrument definitely is!

This is something that could be fun for someone in sobriety, as it gives them an excuse to learn (and excel) at a new hobby, stay busy, and appreciate more music in their life. Finding healthier ways to spend time is one of the practices that allow for long term sobriety.

If your friend or loved one already plays an instrument, you could even create a custom songbook with all their favorite songs, so they can learn to play the music that makes them happy.

4. Books & Movies

If you’ve got favorite books or movies, they would make great gifts for people in recovery. There’s something special about sharing laughter, tears, smiles, and experiences in the form of entertainment.

This doesn’t have to be deep, serious, or thought-provoking (although it can be). Have fun with it!

5. Personalized Items

Personalized items make great gifts. The recipient feels seen, cared for, and important – and it’s not a difficult thing to buy.

Maybe you create a photo album full of good memories, a playlist for special moments, or engrave an item they will use daily (a watch, phone case, desk trinket – you can get creative).

The cost of an item doesn’t convey its worth, and intent is so important for people in recovery.

6. Something They Need

Okay, so this isn’t as fun as the others options, but sometimes it’s just as necessary.

Choosing to live a sober life is a big decision, and it impacts someone’s life in many different ways.

If you’ve got a friend or family member in recovery, and they are struggling financially with bills, home renovations, car repairs, or the like, this is where you can step in and help.

You don’t have to give them cash, but you can cover the cost of a car inspection, give them a gift card to a local home store, come or offer your services and help with home repairs.

Still Unsure About Your Gift?

Don’t be afraid just to ask what someone wants or needs. The answer might surprise you and take away some of that gift-buying anxiety.

Just remember: the best gift you can give them is to just be there, support their sobriety, and be an encouragement when things get hard.

7 Tips to Finding Employment After Addiction

We’ll just come right out and say it: finding employment after addiction or substance abuse is often no easy feat. 

Not impossible, but a little strange. Between the unexplained gaps in your resume and the fact that you may have taken an extended leave of work during your treatment, finding new work can be difficult to navigate. 

That being said, financial stability is a HUGE step toward lifelong sobriety, and at SAL, we want to help you get there. 

You may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about where to start. Because returning to an old job is not usually an option, you’ll be starting from scratch. Over time, we promise that things will get better, but the transitional phase may take some adjusting. 

To help, we’ve outlined 7 tips for finding employment after addiction below. Let’s jump in.

7 Tips for Finding Employment After Addiction or Substance Abuse

1. Update Your Resume

A resume is required for most job applications, so this is a solid step one. If you don’t have one, this is your opportunity. And if you do? It’s likely time for a refresh and overhaul. There are lots of resources online to help you highlight your best skills and experiences. 

Maybe you didn’t gain new work experience during your time in treatment, but you could have gained valuable skills worth mentioning. For example, strong communication, work ethic, and self-motivation are great to include. 

Consider your volunteer work, as well. This looks great on a resume and helps add to your existing skill sets. 

2. Take Advantage of Your Resources

There are so many resources available to you – you’ve just got to tap in!  

Treatment Recovery Centers

Most treatment centers and programs provide services to help with your transitional time. This can look like transportation, housing, childcare, and job assistance. 

Don’t overlook this incredible resource for finding employment after addiction. Ask your treatment provider what assistance is offered in this area.

Sober Living Resources

If you’ve completed treatment and found a sober community to live in, you probably have resources available to you there, too. 

For example, we offer all kinds of job-related services to our residents at Sober Apartment Living (SAL). Between job assistance, career planning, transportation, skill development, and our technology center onsite, we put a special focus on finding employment after addiction.   

The career support will vary depending on the community you live in, so make sure you ask and utilize all that your sober housing has to offer. 

State-Operated Assistance Programs 

There are plenty of state-operated assistance programs to help you find work. Check out the Vocational Rehabilitation program through Arizona to learn more about their services.  

3. Use Your Network

Ask your therapist, counselor, doctor, support group, friend, or family member for help. Your recovery journey has put all these people in your path, and there’s a chance that one of them can help you out. 

Whether they tell you about a job opening or simply ask around on your behalf, these networks can be very useful when finding employment after addiction. 

4. Search for Opportunities Online

There are a ton of great websites to help people in recovery find lasting work. We’ve outlined a few of our favorite resources for finding employment in sobriety, including sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter. 

5. Do Your Research

Before you head into an interview, know your rights. 

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ensures that, in an interview, potential employers cannot ask about your history with legal drugs like alcohol and prescribed medication. 

You are welcome to share your recovery journey, as employers are not allowed to discriminate against you for participating in a recovery program. However, we recommend sharing only what is necessary – if any related information is necessary at all. 

Your recovery is not who you are, nor is it all you offer a workplace. Focus on all the positives, while keeping your answers honest. 

6. Don’t Overdo It

At the end of the day, your healthy recovery is the most important thing. Don’t push yourself too hard to get to a certain place because it feels like you should. 

Check in with yourself often and assess new job opportunities through this lens. If you need to start in an entry-level job or on part-time hours, do it. 

You can always work your way up if and when you want. 

7. Let Go of Your Expectations

Finding employment after addiction is going to have its ups and downs. When you feel discouraged, just remember that this is a process. Things might not work out right away, but you’ll get there.

Getting Ready for Employment After Addiction

Finding work in this crucial life stage is huge, but it’s something that you should take in stride. 

Before you make any big moves, make sure that you are in the right physical and emotional place for this next step. Having a strong and supportive community is a major component – even in the workforce. 

Here at SAL, we offer sober apartment living for people who want to live a sober life in freedom and community. To assist our residents, we do offer career-related services, as well. Learn more about our sober community today. 

5 Tips for Staying Sober

Community of friends

If you’re in recovery and looking for that elusive “finish-line” to signify success in sobriety, you’ll be looking for a long time.

Lifelong sobriety isn’t something that can be checked off a to-do list once you’ve reached a certain point. It’s a continuous journey that takes work and commitment – but it’s also extremely rewarding and life-changing!

Think of it like a race with important milestones along the way, constantly taking you toward something bigger and better. While there may be setbacks, you’re always moving forward.

Some legs of this journey may be more challenging than others, so we’ve outlined five of the most the most important tips for staying sober and ensuring continued success in your recovery.

Let’s get started:

5 Tips for Staying Sober

1. Stay Structured

There’s a reason why so many treatment programs implement a strict routine in recovery: it’s proven to help with long-term sobriety success.

If you’re interested in following a similar structure after treatment, you can start by creating a schedule for mealtimes, group sessions, therapy, or external activities. Not only does this decrease idleness and keep you from the temptations of boredom, but it also supports the pursuit of positive thinking and healthy activities.

Living a more structured life doesn’t have to be boring – just make sure that you leave room for fun! The recovery journey is a great time to try something new, like a running club, a recreational sports team, a form of artistic expression, and more.

2. Maintain Moderation

As you add structure to your routine and include new activities, you’ll want to mindful that you practice moderation.

It’s common for recovering addicts to give up substance abuse or drinking while they’re in recovery, then pursue a new (seemingly normal) hobby with the same unhealthy mindset.

The illness of addiction can impact someone’s relationship to exercise, sweets, work, and more. By practicing moderation and mindfulness, you can seek help if or when you see these issues arise.

Being aware of your own progress is one of the most valuable tips for staying sober because every journey undergoes ups and downs.

3. Consistent Accountability

Just because you’ve completed a treatment or recovery program does not mean that you need to approach your sobriety without support.

Whether it’s therapy, group meetings, or relocating to a sober living community, consistent care is great for a number of reasons. In addition to accountability and community, these environments provide encouragement and fellowship from others in similar situations.

4. Find Ways to Serve

One of favorite tips for staying sober? Exploring new ways to serve the community.

When you commit your own time to help others, it can really put things in perspective and give you a new outlook on life. That’s why many treatment programs encourage community service during the recovery process.

Here at Sober Apartment Living, we invite our residents to volunteer with local organizations like St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance every month, and we’ve seen this have a great impact on the participants.

5. Avoid Triggers

During treatment and therapy, professionals can help you identify the triggers in your life, so that you can avoid these in the future.

And despite how it may feel, we want to assure you that there’s no shame in taking additional precautions when it comes to certain people, places, hobbies.

Being able to recognize harmful situations and purposefully evade them for the sake of your mental and physical health is a sign of strength – and one that will be extremely valuable in your sober journey!

Need Additional Tips for Staying Sober?

There are tons of ways that you can stay sober, but each person will be different. Our staff at Sober Apartment Living would be happy to point you in the right direction when it comes to resources and sober living environments in Scottsdale, AZ.

We know that choosing a life of sobriety can be difficult, but it’s also the best decision many people can make. We’re here to support that choice every step of the way.